Thursday, 2 December 2021

Pasaporte COVID

 Desde el sábado 4 de diciembre será necesario el certificado Covid para acceder a: 

-Locales de ocio, restauración (aforo superior a 50 personas) y actividades de azar con restauración.
-Eventos  de más de 500 personas donde no siempre se pueda llevar la mascarilla.
-Visitas de hospitales (cuando se permitan) y residencias de servicios sociales.

hay 3 tipos de certificados Covid válidos:

-De vacunación,
-De diagnóstico 
-De recuperación

Puedes obtener el tuyo presencialmente en el centro de salud o por internet (Sólo necesitas la tarjeta SIP y el móvil):

Para acceder a los espacios indicados tendrás que llevar contigo el certificado (digital o impreso) y mostrarlo junto al DNI o pasaporte.

Los profesionales ya podéis descargar de manera gratuíta la app COVIDcheck.Iu para verificar la autenticidad y la validez del certificado covid.

VP Advisers

Covid passport

 From Saturday the 4th of December it will be necessary to show your COVID Certificate to enter the following premises:

-Bars, restaurants (with a capacity that is superior to 50) and gambling activities with restauration

-Events which have a capacity of more than 500 people where it is not possible to have your mask on at all times

-To visit hospitals (when it is permitted) and social service residences


There are 3 types of COVID Certificates:





You can obtain your COVID Certificate by asking at your local medical centre or online (you only need your SIP card and phone):


To enter the premises indicated you will need to have your certificate with you (digitally or printed) and show your certificate along with your DNI/NIE or passport.

Professionals are now able to download the app for free to verify the authenticity and validity of the covid certificate.




The free app is called COVIDcheck.Iu


For further information do not hesitate in contacting us.

VP Advisers