Monday, 10 February 2014

Why now is the best moment to become Self-Employed (Autonomo)?

At this moment you can take advantage on the benefits applied on the taxation, social security and public helps available to establish your own business as self-employed because now  is cheaper and more convenient than ever.

Reduced Social Security fees

If you are under 30 years, during the first 6 months of activity the fee is around 50 € , a reduction of 80 % over the normal fee . In the next 6 months , the reduction is 50% and in the 18 months following a reduction of 30 %. 

If you have 30 years or more , during the first 6 months of activity fee is around 50 € , a reduction of 80 % over the normal fee . In the next 6 months , the reduction is 50% and in the 6 months following a reduction of 30 %. 

Relatives family members of self-employed also have a 50 % of the normal fee for 18 months.

The requirements for these reductions are being self-employed for the first time or no being on the 5 previous years  and not hiring staff.

Taxation Incentives

The new self-employed will enjoy , on the first year they have a profit from his business (and on the year following to that year) , a reduction of 20 % of net income (up to 100,000 € ) so the Income Tax for those years will be reduced.

Benefits to hiring staff

If you are considering hiring, there are different ways to save on the costs of social security of the workers you put on contract, either through subsidized contracts , training contracts , contracts to people suffering exclusion etc today. In this sense we have to consider the limitation established  on the reduced social security quotas explained above which are  incompatible with hiring staff for our activity .

FREE Self-Employment registration

In VP ADVISERS we are aware that when the activity starts is the hardest time for the self-employed because is then when mostly we face the higher costs of the activity and the level of income could not be still too high . That is why the cost of registering you as self-employed with VP ADVISERS is FREE so we do not charge any starting-up cost and also you will enjoy a low tax and accounting monthly fee of only 50 € (IVA included) .

For further information, do not hesitate in contact VP ADVISERS

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