Friday, 28 December 2012
Privatizing healthcare law passed in Madrid assembly
Thursday, 27 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Brussels approves 1.865 billion in funding for four Spanish banks
Wednesday, 19 December 2012
Reporting obligation of the assets and rights abroad.
- Accounts in financial institutions located abroad.
- Securities, rights, insurance and annuities deposited, managed or obtained abroad.
- Real estate and real property rights of ownership located abroad.
Failure to comply with this reporting requirement tax offense qualifies as very serious. Infringement shall constitute the following conduct of the taxpayer:
- Failure to submit on time the proxy statement
- Submit information return incomplete, inaccurate or false data
- Submit the document by means other than electronic, computer and communication when required to do so would by such means.
The Act establishes a specific penalty regime for both absolute breach of the obligation to the late submission of the statement.
Tuesday, 18 December 2012
Monday, 17 December 2012
Santander to absorb unit Banesto through share swap
1st floor above Supercor
House prices suffer biggest fall since property bubble burst
Friday, 14 December 2012
Patients to be charged for non-urgent ambulance journeys to healthcare centers
The concept of copayment for ambulance use was included in an overhaul of the sector, approved by the government in April as part of its austerity drive.
The payment system is expected to be passed in the form of an executive order at the next meeting between the central government and the regions - which are responsible for healthcare in Spain - that is due to take place on Thursday of next week.
Pension reform proposes decoupling benefits from inflation
Sunday, 9 December 2012
- Community Accountancy.
- Preparing the meetings and resolutions and notification of the owners.
- Pursuance of outstanding community payments.
- Negotiation with suppliers or creditors.
- Monitoring and contracting of necessary maintenance services and utilities
- Legal advice and mediating between property owners.
- Assistance and advice with local town hall issues.
- Community insurances.
Thursday, 6 December 2012
Jobless claims rise for fourth straight month to reach record levels
Foreign interest in Spanish housing market grows
Thursday, 29 November 2012
Tax fraud amnesty target is “mission impossible”
Tuesday, 27 November 2012
OECD sees unemployment at over six million this year and the next
Monday, 26 November 2012
VAT included?
Thursday, 22 November 2012
The low corporate income tax revenue
Legal offices swamped as government brings back court fees
Tuesday, 20 November 2012
Spain may give residence permits to foreigners who buy homes
Limitation of the cash payment to 2,500 euros
Tuesday, 13 November 2012
General Strike call on November 14th
Spain’s main labor unions, CCOO and UGT, plan to call a general strike for November 14 to protest the government’s austerity drive, just eight months after the last country-wide stoppage.
The stoppage will be formally called at a top level meeting on Friday. This will be the first time two general strikes have been held in the same year. A meeting will also be held of the so-called Social Summit, which groups together some 200 social organizations opposed to the government’s economic policies.
The decision to go ahead with the stoppage came just hours after the European Trade Union Confederation called for strikes and demonstrations against the belt-tightening movement in Europe on November 14.
The Portuguese union CGTP has called for a national strike on November 14, while stoppages are also expected in Cyprus and Greece.
CCOO and UGT sources said the proposal to hold a pan-European mobilization came from the Spanish labor unions which have been in talks on the issue with their Portuguese counterparts since a few months back.
The strike will coincide with campaigning for regional elections in Catalonia on November 25. CCOO and UGT have never previously called for a general strike during election periods.
Source: ElPais
Friday, 9 November 2012
In VP ADVISERS we want to help you in your new stage. We are the only business office in Orihuela Costa registered at the Industry, Tourism and Commerce Ministery as PAIT in order to offer FREE BUSINESS REGISTRATION to all that persons that are looking for a new business life.
But we are not stopping there, we are also offering low quotas in accountancy, business and personal taxation, wills, conveyancing and more other services in order to help you.
If you are considering the idea of setting up a new business why do not give us a visit?
Commercial Centre La Mosca
1st floor above Supercor
Orihuela Costa
Tuesday, 6 November 2012
Tax inspectors believe collections will fall in the next few years
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Spain’s employment rate has topped the 25-percent mark
Tuesday, 30 October 2012
Spanish economy shrinks by 0.3 percent in the third quarter
Friday, 19 October 2012
UK Citizens. Access to healthcare: S1
- treatment given privately and repatriation costs to the UK are not covered. Think about whether you want to take out private health insurance.
- some social services may not be available.
Rajoy still undecided on bailout
Friday, 12 October 2012
Spain shoots up the wealth disparity charts
IMF fears Spain’s risk premium may rise to 750 basis points
Monday, 3 September 2012
Form September 1st. All the IVA rates are going to be as follows:
GENERAL 18% -> 21%
REDUCED 8% -> 10%
SUPER REDUCED 4% no changed
Some of the activies that were included on the reduced level and will be now on the normal level are:
- Hairdresser:(Only big brands, not little businesses).
- Spectacles:Cinema, Theatre,Circus..
- Disco and dancing rooms
- Gym
- Funeral and decease services
- Exhibitions
- Some health assistance services
Thursday, 7 June 2012
In case you are fiscal resident in Spain and one of the taxpayers who is able to get a refund from his Annual Income tax, you need to know that in order to get that money back in your bank account, the Spanish Tax Office has 6 months from the last day of the tax declaration period (2nd July this year) in order to refund the money to the citizens.
If you are lucky you may not have to wait until 2013 to get the money, but you should know that in case the Tax Office has not pay you the money back, from that 6 months period on, they will pay you interest over the amount you have to receive. (Now the interest rate is set at 5%).
In case you need to check the status of your refund during the year, visit us and we will glad to offer you our services.
Monday, 2 April 2012
The Cabinet on Friday approved 27.3 billion euros of savings for the rest of the year — the biggest austerity package seen in Spain’s modern democracy — with the hopes that the country will stay on track to meet its deficit-reduction goal for the end of 2012 and avoid the same bailout fate that was suffered by Greece, Ireland and Portugal.
Speaking after a meeting of the Cabinet, Finance Minister CristĆ³bal Montoro described the country’s finances as “critical,” and reiterated that the government’s aim is to bring down the deficit by the end of the year from the current 8.51 percent of GDP to 5.3 percent, in line with Brussels’ demands.
“Spain will keep its good faith by ending the year with a solid deficit figure, as we pledged \[to Brussels\],” Montoro said.
The government plans drastic cuts in all the ministries with an average reduction of 16.9 percent of spending — two percentage points higher than the figure Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy cited on Tuesday. In all, 17.8 billion euros will be slashed from the central government’s expenditures.
The biggest cuts will be made in overseas aid through international cooperation and development programs, with 594 million euros of cuts.
The Cabinet also approved hiking taxes on big businesses and increasing court and other legal fees as new sources of projected revenue. The government hopes to rake in some 12.3 billion euros by eliminating corporate tax deductions, including suppressing a controversial goodwill tax break that made it easier for Spanish companies to purchase foreign firms and expand overseas.
Deputy Prime Minister Soraya SĆ”enz de SantamarĆa ruled out new taxes, including another hike in value-added tax (VAT), which was increased in 2010 from 16 percent to 18 percent.
“We are in a desperate situation when it comes to the fiscal outlook,” SĆ”enz de SantamarĆa told a news conference after the Cabinet meeting. “We are looking to turn the situation around as well as laying the foundations for growth and job creation.”
Montoro also announced that Spaniards who have overseas accounts to avoid paying taxes or currently have domestic earnings being paid under the table will be given a chance to regularize their finances by paying a 10-percent fee on the revenue declared, without any other fines or sanctions. The finance chief said he hopes to bring in another 25 billion euros with this amnesty.
The Cabinet also approved a seven-percent hike in electricity rates, and a five-percent hike in gas rates beginning Sunday.
The government’s plans will go to parliament on Tuesday, and are expected to be formally passed in June.
Spain’s new financial goals come as European finance and economy ministers, meeting in Copenhagen Friday, agreed to create a permanent bailout fund for the euro zone with a temporary lending capacity of about 700 billion euros for member states.
Economy Minister Luis de Guindos, who was in Denmark for the meeting, said that “Spain will no longer be a problem for the Union” as he presented his colleagues with the Spanish budget plans.
The budget was presented months later than usual given that the Popular Party took office in December.
Source: ELPAIS
Monday, 20 February 2012

Government is planning to cancel the obligation of applying for an opening licence for small businesses from June 2012 on.
Once the measure is approved, a person who wants to open a small business only will need to do 3 steps, avoiding between 6 and 18 months of delays on the obtention of the final licence.
- Premises smaller than 300 square meters.
- Annual takings lower than 50 million euros.
- Having less than 250 workers.
The negative point is that the measure will not be applied to bars, restaurants, hotels and companies which manage dangerous materials.
The process is the following:
- Presenting a technical report produced by an engineer or technician where it is shown that the business has the requirements.
- Presenting a document called DeclaraciĆ³n Responsable. With that document, the manager is saying that his business has the requeriments needed to run the kind of business presented.
- The fees for the townhall have to be paid. Each townhall has different fees depending on the kind of business.
Then once the 3 steps are done, the business can be opened while you are waiting for the final resolution,until that moment, the administration can start inspections in order to check that there are no illegal features in the business. In case of detecting something illegal, the townhall could fine the business and stop or cancel the final licence process.
So this process is like Self-Licencing, because is the company who is declaring that the business has everything right and then the townhall can check it in future. At the moment, many businesses are working without the final resolution approved, because lot of people cannot wait many months or more than a year until they get the licence to open.
Tuesday, 7 February 2012
Activities Unit to control the businesses licences

Officials visiting establishments will be identified and credited as officers of the City of Orihuela and never ask for payment of any amount. The guideline is as follows: the unit visits the facility and is identified and requires you to show them the license or the license application and payment of fees. Then they will record your business in a census data and specify the activity data (if is licensed and if fees have been paid). If everything is correct, the establishment becomes final census.
If you only have the application then will be required to pass through the activities department to drive the process and finally obtain the final license and remedy deficiencies for finally obtaining the license. If it is not licensed, disciplinary proceedings will be opened and you will be prompted to initiate the procedures that apply.
"The penalties can range from suspension of activity, from fines to closure of the establishment," said the Town Planning, who has insisted that the goal of creation is to enforce the law, since the City must monitor that all activities are conducted under the rules of safety.
Monday, 2 January 2012
New Non Resident percentage. Fiscal changes (I)

With the new year, some fiscal changes have arrived within. One of the most important for many of our clients is the update over the Non Resident tax.
From the 1st of January 2012 until the 31st of december 2013 (both included), the new general rate will be 24,75%. This percentage has been increased from the previous 24%.
This tax could affect you for example if you are non fiscal resident but have a house in Spain. When you will be declaring your annual non resident tax from 2012 it will be slightly higher.
In case you have premises in Spain and are Non Resident, your tenant will be also holding each month the 24,75% instead the 24%.