Wednesday, 19 February 2014


The Law regulating the unemployment benefits has suffered over the past year a number of changes to make it more flexible. There are several situations in which a person can perform paid work for others or as self-employed without losing the right to receive the benefit.

So far, the provision was compatible with part-time work; however, there are other circumstances in which it is possible to perceive the unemployment benefits while an activity is performed.

1. Compatibility of the benefits with part-time work.

When a worker that is collecting the unemployment benefits begins to be employed part-time, he can choose between interrupting the collection or combine it with the part time job. If the worker decides to interrupt and the work contract lasts less than 360 days, may resume the collection of the unemployment benefits at the end of the contract. If it lasts 360 days or more, he can resume the same benefits that were interrupted or request a new one. In the latter case, the contributions taken into account for the benefit which has not been chosen can not apply for a subsequent collection.

If the worker decides to combine work and benefits, the amount of the benefit is reduced in proportion to the time on the duration of the workday (the duration of unemployment benefits does not vary ) and , at the end of the contract , the employee will receive the full amount that corresponds to him .

2. Compatibility of the unemployment benefits with the contract to support entrepreneurs.

An unemployed that begins a working relationship as employed under a permanent contract to support entrepreneurs can reconcile the 25% of the amount of unemployment benefits that has not yet perceived upon hiring. To become qualified for this support, the worker must apply within 15 days after the start of the work contract. It also requires the worker has collected unemployment benefits for at least 3 months.

In the case of termination of employment that makes the worker officially unemployed , the worker may choose to request a new feature or resume the one that had not yet perceive.

3. Compatibility with self-employment.

People under 30 years can reconcile the perception of unemployment benefits to start a business as a self-employed, for a maximum of 270 days, provided that the beneficiary does not have employees. You must request the reconciliation within 15 days from the start date of the activity.

Those over 30 who are claiming the benefit and initiate an activity as self-employed , can interrupt the unemployment benefits collection and may resume them if the activity lasts less than 24 months. Otherwise, the provision shall be deemed extinguished and cannot perceive it again. (People under 30 could interrupt the self employment during 5 years).

For further information do not hesitate in contact VP Advisers

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